+++++Chios Update+++++
Despite the holidays, difficult weather conditions and a shortage of volunteers the CESRT operations have continued without a break.
On Saturday the students of the Language Centre were very creative as they designed t-shirts for themselves during the Saturday workshop.
In the warehouse the team was busy with packing 54 clothes and hygiene packs minors living in Vial Camp. The International Organization of Migrations has asked us to provide trousers, jumpers, coats, socks, underwear and toiletries for 54 unaccompanied minors who stay in the safe zone in Vial. Evidently the Camp is not able to support the minors with essential items like clothes, shampoo or deodorant. Today we were notified about a leaking container in the safe zone in which 4 unaccompanied minors stay. Water runs in the container where the teenagers sleep on the floor. We gave 12 duvets that can be used as mattresses as well as sleeping bags, pillows and woolen blankets to Vial for the minors.
We distributed to many vulnerable families who stay in apartments in the past week. People from all different Nationalities staying in apartments approach us asking for clothes, blankets, food and cleaning liquids. In the past days we met two families who had newborn babies (7 and 12 days old) and neither of them had clothes, diapers or beds for their new family members. We are really shocked that those who are identified as most vulnerable don’t have any materials goods distributed to them.
CESRT/ Offene Arme e.V.