Again this week our main activities have been at the OADW where we have managed to add a further 409 beneficiaries in 4 days, taking the total number of people we have served to 1807. We have now been open for a 26 days and the statistics are very similar to last week, with 27% of the people we have served under the age of 14. We have given out a massive 44780 items!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️, including towels, underwear, socks, shoes and hygiene kits.
We try to have 6 volunteers working at the OA warehouse most days which means each person gives out an average of 287 items each day. They are working so hard!This is the biggest distribution that Offene Arme e.V have done!!!🤓🤓🤓
Our most popular item is still men’s T-shirts. Men’s bags all look very similar in terms of what they choose to take, but women and girls take a much greater variety of items which include abayas, dashikis !!!,hijabs, dresses, trousers,leggings and joggers; alongside short and long sleeved tops. Most days it is now 30 degrees or above which means that cool, comfortable and modest clothing is essential.
It’s also been a really busy week in the warehouse. Clothes have been quality checked, sorted, and sized, ready to take up to the OA and baggy jeans have been converted into shorts. Furthermore, systems and processes have been streamlined and improved, to best help and support our main project. On top of all this, we supported other organisations working on the island.
To Refugee Rescue, we gave 3 t-shirts, 1 pair of jeans, 2 pairs of socks, 1 pair of shoes, 1 pair of shorts, 4 pairs of underwear, and hygiene pack, all for men.
To the Dionisio , we gave 20 bottles of dish soap, 2 bottles of surface cleaner, 8 packs of adult nappies, 20 tubes of toothpaste, 20 bottles of shower gel, 20 bottles of shampoo, 60 jars of baby food, 30 tubs of hand cream, 50 masks, and 12 tubs of sudocrem.
We welcomed 2 new volunteers this week who have been an amazing help in the warehouse this week and from tomorrow we hope that they’ll be joining us and directly helping our beneficiaries.
There have still been no arrivals on the island and we are taking great pride in adapting our operations to support the population who have been resident on Chios since before Covid.
All of the hard work on the ground is only possible with your help. That is, the help of our supporters and our donors. We wouldn’t be able to do it without you. THANK YOU. We continue to look toward the future and are constantly evaluating how we can best meet the population’s needs and how we can best deploy the material and financial support that you trust us with.