We need your help.
To keep this project alive, we need to cover the budget for 2023. To help us make sure Offene Arme e.V. keeps its projects for the upcoming year and delivers the supplies and services needed by the refugees in Chios, you can donate through bank transfer or through PayPal. Our organization will continue to operate for as long as there are people in need on the island.
If you are an organization interested in donating supplies, feel free to reach out to us at cesrt@offenearme.org and we can schedule an online meeting to explain what we need and how we could work together to help the refugees in Chios.
To learn more about our budget and where we invest our donations, reach out to us at cesrt@offenearme.org and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
For a Bank Transfer:
Account name: Offene Arme e.V.
IBAN: DE63 5139 0000 0060 5797 09
Konto/Account: 60579709
BLZ/Sort Code: 51390000
Address: Volksbank Mittelhessen, Postfach 101061, 35340 Giessen, Germany