On the 25th of January, 2024, Offene Arme e.V. launched a new project with the aim of providing pregnant women residing in Vial camp with access to ultrasound scans.
The Chios public hospital is no longer providing free ultrasounds to pregnant asylum seekers. This, however, is a vital procedure required in order to:
- Confirm the viability of the pregnancy
- Check the overall health status of the mother and the unborn baby
- Identify potential pregnancy complications
- Check for multiple pregnancies
- Estimate the due date
Thus, it is crucial that every pregnant woman has access to this service at least twice during their pregnancy.
With this new project we will be able to provide pregnant women from Vial camp with at least one appointment for an abdominal and internal ultrasound scan during their pregnancy, as well as transport for their appointment from Vial camp to the clinic and back.
If you wish to supply us with funds to help this project continue please use the PayPal Link or Bank details below – we are grateful for any support you can give us.
Please label your donation “Ultrasound”
For PayPal:
For Bank Transfer:
Account name: Offene Arme e.V.
IBAN: DE63 5139 0000 0060 5797 09
Konto/Account: 60579709
BLZ/Sort Code: 51390000
Address: Volksbank Mittelhessen, Postfach 101061, 35340 Giessen, Germany